Forever on the Bitcoin blockchain

Step 1


You can send messages with up to 80 characters (40 bytes) to the Bitcoin blockchain using the OP_RETURN script.

Step 2


As soon as your payment is detected and it has 1 confirmation (around 10 mins), your message will propagated.

Step 3


Each message is sent from an unique address. After it is sent go on an explorer, or on your own node, and verify!
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80 characters limit
0.00001650 BTC
1650 sats | 1.00 USD | 250 Bytes

About bitscribble

This is an experimental research project.

The main object of this website is to provide a simple interface for users to post messages on the Bitcoin blockchain, while also allowing visibility into other's messages recorded via the OP_RETURN script. Call it micro blogging on the blockchain, or waste of Bitcoin's space, no one cares.

Road map and features coming soon:

Too keep things interesting, OP_RETURN values that are repeated in a row more than 20 times, or non hexadecimal encrypted text, are sometimes filtered out when scrapping the blocks. Too much illegible messages. Go to if you want to read those.

Follow the @bitscribble_btc bot on twitter to keep up to date with what's add to the blocks, every ~10 minutes.

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